/ Text The title of the works within the series ‘Form’ (English) refers to the ‘shell’ of a building, like the ‘skin’. But ‘Form’ wants to go beyond the purely plastic. By working with a specific body language, the aim is to reveal an inner feeling. With these works,...


/ Text The title of the works within the series ‘Facade’ refers to a facade, the first ‘view’ of a building. A facade as a welcome invitation to enter a building or to hide what lies behind it. That duality is also intertwined in this series. The facade initially...


/ Text Materials: Soot on white paper. 150x150cm Selected and exhibited at Price for Visual Arts ’16 Harelbeke, Belgium....
Model Light

Model Light

/ Text Model Light is an installation consisting of three parts, which are revealed to the viewer one by one and eventually end up constituting a whole. Part one: Detail photo’s of installation.. ‘Light Looking for depths, revealing textures giving an...